What should I do if I wish to wear a mask indoors, even if it is NOT required?
It is optional to wear a face covering on campus, however the College supports those who wish to continue to wear a face covering.
Do I still need to do the Coursekey health screening for class?
It is no longer required to use Coursekey or any health screening methods
What will occur if the County COVID levels rise in the future?
Solano Community College will continue to work with Solano County Public Health to adjust preventative measures to reflect any rise in Community COVID levels.
What should I do if I DO NOT feel comfortable in face to face course on campus at this time?
Solano Community College will continue to offer multiple options for face to face, hybrid or online courses.
What do I do if I see someone without a mask? If they refuse to wear a mask, what is the next step?
Do not confront others and report your concerns to a staff member, when possible.
If I want to use in-person student services (counseling, tutoring, etc), but I am only taking online classes and don’t have a COVID shell in Canvas, what do I need to do?
Every student enrolled this semester has been uploaded into the COVID Canvas shell so you can still upload your proof of vaccination or your test results. Additionally, all in-person services are by appointment. Once you schedule your appointment, you will be advised of the health screening requirements. Do not come to campus for your appointment if you are not feeling well, regardless of your vaccination status or the type of symptoms you are having. Regardless of vaccination or testing status, everyone is required to wear a mask when indoors.
Why is rapid testing is not available for the standard of this vaccine/testing resolution?
The testing we offer is based on the COVID workgroup’s recommendations and considers the most accurate and convenient methods for testing for the virus.
I’ve taken a COVID test off-campus? What do I do with my results?
Test results should be sent by email to COVIDcasewroker@love365cn.com.
Do I still need to do the Coursekey health screening for class (or web health screening for student services) if I’m vaccinated or complete testing?
Yes, and if you receive a “red pass” you should not attend class or the scheduled student service until you have been contacted and cleared by the COVID caseworker. A link at the bottom of the “red pass” page sends a message to the caseworker who will contact you. Depending on the day and time that the caseworker receives notice of your red pass will determine when you are contacted. Notify your instructor or staff that you are unable to attend class or the service until you hear from the caseworker.
How do I access Coursekey to complete the daily health screening to access campus?
Coursekey is an app available on a smartphone. If you do not have a smart phone, you can access CourseKey through the following link: portal.thecoursekey.com from any internet browser. Please complete the health screening PRIOR to coming to campus, ideally one hour before arriving on campus.
If you need a chromebook loan, please email early.alert@love365cn.com
I’m having trouble logging into the coursekey app, what do I do?
Please email covidcaseworker@love365cn.com with you name and student ID# for assistance with logging into Coursekey.
I have a chronic health condition that includes symptoms listed on the health screening. I don’t have COVID and I don’t want to be blocked from campus. What can I do?
You should email the COVID caseworker prior to completing the health survey and, if possible, provide a note from your medical provider verifying your symptoms. We do not need to know the reason or cause of your symptoms. The caseworker will advise you how to respond to the survey so you are not blocked from coming to campus.
I attended class in the morning and now I have a student services appointment (tutoring, test proctoring, etc.). I already completed the Coursekey health screening for class, do I still need to submit a web health screening for the student services appointment?
No, your Coursekey pass that includes verification of vaccination or submission of COVID test is good for 24 hours across campus.
I’m not attending classes in-person during Fall semester. Do I still need to provide proof of vaccination or get a COVID test beginning Oct. 15?
If you do not plan to come to campus during Fall 2021, you do not need to do anything right now. If you change your mind at any point, you will need to upload your proof of vaccination or negative COVID test prior to accessing campus facilities.
All Fall enrolled students have access to the COVID link in canvas. If you schedule an appointment with a student service and are unable to access the Canvas page to upload proof of vaccination or test results, contact the COVID caseworker and advise them that you are not taking an in-person class and need to access the COVID page in Canvas.
How will SCC employees know if the student is eligible to attend their in-person class or student services appointment (vaccinated or tested negative)?
The student will complete the Coursekey health survey prior to coming to campus. Students eligible to be on-campus will have a “green pass” on Coursekey that they can show faculty or staff. Anyone with a “red pass” will need to be cleared by the COVID caseworker before accessing services. Depending on the day, time, and volume of “red passes,” you may need to reschedule services for another day.
Does the test result have to be uploaded prior to coming to campus?
Yes. Unvaccinated students and employees will have to complete the test and upload results prior to accessing campus facilities and then complete the Coursekey questions. As long as you have a green pass for that day, you can access campus services. A red pass means you should not come to campus and should reschedule any student services.
Are we going to have to require that unvaccinated students make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance to make sure they have enough time to get tested and receive the results?
Students will need to make their appointments with enough time to get tested and receive results prior to coming to campus. See the suggested testing schedule on the Coronavirus Update webpage.
How often do students and employees need to submit proof of vaccination?
Those who are vaccinated need to upload proof only once, at this time. If the state or county changes recommended protocols regarding proof of a vaccine booster, we will notify students and employees. Regardless of vaccination status, masks are required when inside campus facilities.
How often do students and employees need to submit test results?
Those testing will need to test and upload results up to two times per week for the Fall semester, depending on the frequency you are coming to campus. If you are only coming to campus one day per week or periodically, you will need to test and upload the results at least one time each week you plan on being on campus. Tests must be done no more than 72 hours prior to coming to campus. For example, if you are coming to campus on Wednesday, you should test on Monday or Tuesday before noon and upload your results no later than Wednesday morning or before coming to campus. See the suggested COVID testing schedule on the Coronavirus Updated webpage. You will still use Coursekey to verify your current health symptoms and the green or red pass you receive from the CourseKey app is good for 24 hours. You will have to be complete the CourseKey questionnaire each day you come to campus.